Snowboard Edge Tuning

Vic Wild laying it down.

From the Toko Snowboard Tech Manual found here:

The base edge on a snowboard should have a bevel of a half to one degree. A little base bevel makes the board easy to ride and transitioning from toe edge to heel edge without being “grabby”. Base bevel of more than one degree makes the board feel “slippery” and turns have to be skidded because the edge is not close enough to the snow to hook up.

Side edge bevel on a board will depend on the conditions and the rider’s ability. One degree of side bevel is enough for softer conditions and forgiving to beginning to intermediate riders. Two degree side edge grips better on harder snow, this lets a stronger rider lay over in a harder turn. For racing or carving on hard icy slopes a side edge bevel of three degrees will hold, but will take some muscle to control.

From a recent Toko eBlast:

Vic Wild Checks in from Parallel Slalom WC in Yongpyong, Korea

Tough race today just wasn’t able to figure out the course.

The snow here is artificial, old and dirty. Ran HF blue on the edge of the base and HF grey over the rest. Most important for me are edges, I run a .5 degree base bevel and 2 on the side. On very aggressive and grippy snow I like to use fiber-tex to smooth and detune the edge this can be done on the slope its quick and you can adjust the detune and sharpness of the edge with just a few passes.

Vic Wild

As noted, it doesn’t take much to detune an edge and generally, you may be better off leaving your edges sharp. Before considering detuning, be sure to eliminate the possibility of a hanging burr if you are experiencing ‘hooky/grabby’ edges. With a smooth and sharp edge, you have better control over more variable snow conditions and terrain while rec riding than what you would find in a typically consistent race course. It takes little time to adjust side edge angles to try out either a 1° or 2° to find your preference. Reducing base edge angles requires base material removal and is far more difficult than side edge adjustments. Focus your tuning on the side edges. Detune as a last resort after spending time on a variety of conditions and trying to feather into carves.